Luke Malecki, CPA
Luke R. Malecki is Office Managing Partner at Drescher & Malecki LLP. After earning a B.A. in international business from Bentley University in Waltham, MA, Luke achieved an M.A. in financial economics from the State University of New York at Buffalo. In 2004, he began his career with Drescher & Malecki LLP as the firm's first employee. Shortly after joining the firm, Luke achieved his certification as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and subsequently moved through each level at the firm. Currently, as Partner, he directs firm personnel and serves as a primary point of contact for client questions. Luke continually strives towards the firm’s mission to revolutionize the accounting and audit process by providing practical and innovative ideas to counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, and public authorities.
As an active member of the New York State Government Finance Officers' Association (NYSGFOA), Luke stays well-versed on the reporting requirements of governments and ensures that all applicable standards are met. Luke is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA).
In 2004, Luke moved into the bustling Elmwood Village, located within the resurgent city of Buffalo, New York. He still resides in the neighborhood with his wife, Jenn, their two daughters, Leah and Taylor, and two sons, Lincoln and Luke. Luke and his family enjoy an array of activities in Western New York during all the seasons of the year, whether it be enjoying some springtime bike rides through the city, exploring the Buffalo Zoo or the Buffalo waterfront during summer, taking a hike at the Outer Harbor in the crisp fall air, or a snowy walk down the lively Elmwood Avenue during the winter months.
Luke also roots on the Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, and Toronto Raptors, enjoys taking in an occasional round of golf with friends, clients, and colleagues, appreciates a good jog through the neighborhood, loves to ski and snowboard during the winter months, and tries to absorb the plentiful opportunities that our great region has to offer.